
CDSB Workshop 2024: Developing R/Bioconductor packages

TIB2024 RMB NNB CCG-UNAM Community of Software Developers in Bioinformatics (CDSB) We are delighted to announce that …

CDSB Workshop 2023: Writting R/Bioconductor packages for scRNAseq analysis.

TIB2023 RMB NNB CCG-UNAM Community of Software Developers in Bioinformatics (CDSB) We are delighted to announce that …

CDSB Workshop 2022: Advanced analysis of metagenomes. Creating workflows with R/Bioconductor.

TIB2022 RMB NNB CCG-UNAM Community of Software Developers in Bioinformatics (CDSB) We are delighted to announce that …

Workshops CDSB 2021: RStudio workflows and scRNA-seq with Bioconductor

We are delighted to announce that CDSB, along with the Mexican Bioinformatics Network (RMB in Spanish) and the National Node of …

CS&S Event Fund award announcement

We are delighted to announce that Code for Science and Society has selected our application for their first cohort of Event Fund grant …

The impact of CDSB on me

By Erick Cuevas Fernández, M. Sc., Bioinformatician. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Universidad Autonoma del Estado de …

Latin American communities and organizations: useR!2020 video

This useR!2020 session and video was organized by Laura Acion, Yanina Bellini Saibene, Paola Corrales, and Paloma Rojas Saunero. …

CDSB: the story of a diversity and outreach hotspot in Mexico that hopes to empower local R developers

This blog post was submitted to the R Consortium blog where it was published on 03/18/2020. I have been attending R conferences since …

CDSB Workshop 2020: Building workflows with RStudio and Bioconductor for single cell RNA-seq analysis

This workshop is part of the Mexican Bioinformatics Encounter (EBM in Spanish) 2020 organized by CDSB with: TIB2020 RMB NNB CCG-UNAM …