
CDSB Workshop 2023: Writting R/Bioconductor packages for scRNAseq analysis.

TIB2023 RMB NNB CCG-UNAM Community of Software Developers in Bioinformatics (CDSB) We are delighted to announce that CDSB, along with the Mexican Bioinformatics Network (RMB in Spanish) and the National Node of Bioinformatics at UNAM (NNB-CCG), is organizing the summer workshop Writting R/Bioconductor packages for scRNAseq analysis as part of the National Bioinformatics Meeting Mexico 2023. Level: Intermediate-Advanced. Language: Spanish. Where: This workshop will be held online on Zoom. When: 07-11 August 2023, 9:00am - 5:00pm (Mexico City timezone).

CDSB Workshop 2022: Advanced analysis of metagenomes. Creating workflows with R/Bioconductor.

TIB2022 RMB NNB CCG-UNAM Community of Software Developers in Bioinformatics (CDSB) We are delighted to announce that CDSB, along with the Mexican Bioinformatics Network (RMB in Spanish) and the National Node of Bioinformatics at UNAM (NNB-CCG), is organizing the summer workshop Advanced analysis of metagenomes. Creating workflows with R/Bioconductor as part of the National Bioinformatics Meeting Mexico 2022. Level: Advanced. Language: Spanish. Where: This workshop will be held online on Zoom.

Workshops CDSB 2021: RStudio workflows and scRNA-seq with Bioconductor

We are delighted to announce that CDSB, along with the Mexican Bioinformatics Network (RMB in Spanish) and the National Node of Bioinformatics at UNAM (NNB-CCG), is organizing two week-long workshops this summer as part of the National Bioinformatics Meeting Mexico 2021. These are: Workflows with RStudio and creating shiny apps Analysis of scRNA-seq data with Bioconductor These workshops will be held online on August 9 to 13, 2021 and you can register here.

CDSB Workshop 2020: Building workflows with RStudio and Bioconductor for single cell RNA-seq analysis

This workshop is part of the Mexican Bioinformatics Encounter (EBM in Spanish) 2020 organized by CDSB with: TIB2020 RMB NNB CCG-UNAM Community of Bioinformatics Software Developers (CDSB) Workshop webpage Level: intermediate - advanced Language: Spanish When: August 3 - August 7, 2020 (9 am to 5:30 pm, Friday until 2:30 pm) Where: Online through the Zoom platform. Hours are based on Mexico’s central time zone. Twitter: @CDSBMexico Facebook: @CDSBMexico GitHub: https://github.

CDSB Workshop 2019: How to Build and Create Tidy Tools

Community of Bioinformatics Software Developers Workshop webpage: Level: intermediate - advanced Language: Spanish^[If you speak English but not Spanish please let us know so we can plan accordingly.] When: July 29 - August 2, 2019 Where: Auditorium of the Center for Genomic Sciences, Cuernavaca, Mexico Twitter: #CDSBMexico Facebook: @CDSBMexico GitHub: Registration Requirements Requirements prior knowledge Participants should have basic to intermediate knowledge of the R programming language: variable assignment, reading files: read.

Bioinformatics Mexican Meeting 2019

The National Node of Bioinformatics (NNB-UNAM), the Mexican Bioinformatics Network (RMB) and the Community of Bioinformatics Software Developers (CDSB) invite you to Bioinformatics Mexican Meeting 2019 composed by International Bioinformatics Workshops (TIB2019) & CDSB Workshop: How To Build and Create Tidy Tools UNAM Center for Genomic Sciences (CCG-UNAM) in Cuernavaca Morelos, Mexico. From July 29 to August 9, 2019 The workshops are organized by: NNB-UNAM, Mexican node EMBNet (European Molecular Biology network) Community of Bioinformatics Software Developers (CDSB) Mexican Bioinformatics Network (RMB) thanks to the:

Latin American R/BioConductor Developers Workshop 2018

Community of Bioinformatics Software Developers Workshop webpage: Level: intermediate - advanced Language: english When: July 30 - August 3, 2018 Where: Auditorium of the Center for Genomic Sciences, Cuernavaca, Mexico Twitter: #CDSBMexico Facebook: @CDSBMexico GitHub: Register Requirements Requirements prior knowledge Participants should have basic knowledge of programming language R: variable assignment, reading files: read.csv, read.delim, read.table; data structures: matrix, dataframe, list; data types: character, numeric, factor, logical, etc; installation and use of packages.

2018 International Workshop on Bioinformatics

The National Node of Bioinformatics (NNB-UNAM) and the Community of Bioinformatics Software Developers (CDSB) invite you to TIB2018: R para todos & Latin American R/Bioconductor Developers Workshop UNAM Center for Genomic Sciences (CCG-UNAM) in Cuernavaca Morelos, Mexico. From July 30 to August 3, 2018 This year, we decided to join efforts to promote the development of skills in the programming language R, under the slogan “Learn R and do community” .