R Consortium

Latin American communities and organizations: useR!2020 video

This useR!2020 session and video was organized by Laura Acion, Yanina Bellini Saibene, Paola Corrales, and Paloma Rojas Saunero. Leonardo Collado Torres coordinated the blog post submission. This blog post was originally submitted to the R Consortium blog and published there on July 7th 2020. On June 19th 2020 we filmed a video for useR!2020 showcasing the communities and organizations we are involved in that are for Latin Americans or have Latin American participants.

CDSB: the story of a diversity and outreach hotspot in Mexico that hopes to empower local R developers

This blog post was submitted to the R Consortium blog where it was published on 03/18/2020. I have been attending R conferences since 2008, and while I’ve seen the R community grow rapidly, I generally don’t encounter as many Latin Americans (LatAm) among communities of R developers. Traditionally, a lab lead investigator invested in R or Bioconductor would teach their trainees and students these skills, becoming a local R hotspot. However, that scenario is uncommon in Mexico for several reasons.